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  SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-SUSTAINANCE AND BEING ORGANIC ARE  THE MAGIC SOLUTION FOR COMMUNITIES, VILLAGES AND NATIONS IN THE HIGHLY POLLUTION-PRONE, MARKET-RIDDEN, DEGENERATED WORLD TODAY.   “They think the empire will eventually disintegrate…In anticipation of that collapse, islands of refuge must be prepared.” ~ SCHWARZ AND SCHWARZ, 1998, p. 3. “A quiet and quite unexpected revolution in simple living is steadily transforming our society. Slowly but surely an ever growing number of people are consciously rejecting the traditional trappings of affluence…. The change is as significant as that from agriculture to industrial society. Maybe 10% of US people have made the change.” ~ D. ELGIN, Garden of simplicity, YES, Winter 2001.  “Thousands are forming a new generation of ‘tribes’ — small ‘intentional’ communities where people care for each other and live sustainably….millions of people, unsung heroes of a new era, are already at work constructing the building blocks of a post-corporate, post-capitalist civilisation. They are demonstrating alternatives far more attractive and viable than socialism or the failed economic models of the former Soviet Union.”            ~ D. KORTEN, “The post corporate world”, The Ecologist, 29. 3. March/April, 1999, 219. “It is a contest between the competing goals of economic growth to maximise profits for absentee owners versus creating healthy communities that are good places for people to live…..All over the world people are indeed waking up to the truth about economic globalisation and are taking steps to reclaim and rebuild their local communities.” ~ T. SCHROYER, ED., Towards a ‘World That Works, 1997. “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself….Be yourself; no base imitator of another, but your best self. There is something...


  WIDELY ACCLAMED AS THE LAYMAN’S POPE, POPE FRANCIS IS PLANNING A PEOPLES’ REVOLUTION, ON A GLOBAL LEVEL   Today, a People’s Revolution seems to come from the top, through religion. Pope Francis is a rare revolutionary and an everyman at the same time. The new Pope is a force for positive change within the Roman Catholic Church. He represents a major change in direction for the church. By revitalizing and breathing new life into over 1.5 billion strong institution, like the Catholic Church, the new Pope is actually revitalizing and breathing new life into the whole mankind of the ‘global village’. This particular facet of his characteristics has been the focus of my  study/Pope-Francis: the-Layman’s-Pope/ in page 342 to 347 in  my book LIFE ON MELTDOWN published in Kerala–India in March 2014. As a first major step towards righting many wrongs in the Church, the pontiff has shown all the indication that celibacy of the clergy may be the foremost obstacle for bringing some inevitable positive changes in the Church, and therefore in the world. He may certainly believe that married priesthood would right many wrongs. This aspect has already been extensively studied in chapter 13:rape-of-mind: role-of-organized-religions-in-the-degeneration-of-spiritual-faculties/ in my book LIFE ON MELTDOWN published in Kerala–India in March 2014 Degeneration of spirituality and the loss of values in human society are closely linked to the degeneration of human mind which is the result of institutionalized onslaught of human mind and its freedom in modern age. And the organized religions have the paramount role on this massive and institutionalized subjugation of human mind and its freedom. How this mortal disintegration has...


HOW THE SUDDEN GENERATION AND MULTIPLICATION OF SYNTHETIC FREE RADICALS CORRUPT THE NATURE’S ‘CODE-BOOK’, LEADING TO MASSIVE SPREAD OF PREMATURE DEGENERATION OF  EVERY LIFE FORM AND ORGANIC MATTER  ON PLANET EARTH   The cellular machinery that copies DNA sometimes makes mistakes. These mistakes, called mutation, alter the sequence of a gene. Nowadays, these mistakes occur always, and is identified as genetic pollution. If genetic pollution causes problems, we can’t “clean” that pollution. Genetic pollution endures. This explains the explosion of diseases and their genetic connection. Speedy appearance of identical diseases — degeneration diseases — across species, on a global level, is the hallmark of industrial civilization. DNA structure in evolution is marred by erratic, and often, toxic FREE RADICALS formation thereby, due to massive mutations, altering evolution as devolution. The widespread genetic contamination of the biosphere, especially of most life forms, through massive pollution and the use of GMOs will be the dark legacy of our modern civilization. Thus, continuous explosions of mutagenic chemicals – synthetic free radicals — have been occurring since Industrial Revolution. Discussed in this chapter is about the free radicals that cause massive biological pre-mature degeneration, by the widespread tampering of Nature’s genetic code, in modern age.         Is it possible for us to live till 120 years of age? According to Bible, Adam, although historically not proved, lived up to 930 years. This skepticism towards the long life span of Genesis is understandable. However, today many molecular biologists believe that human body has the normal potential to live up to 120. Every typical species in its natural pristine environment lives seven times past...


Mikhail Gorbachev drastically changed one half of then world (Communist world), rescued the world from cold war and thus provided the world a much required breathing space to think of real solutions. As a prophet of change and shaker of the highly mechanized world, Mikhail Gorbachev is the leader who drastically changed one half of then world (Communist world), rescued humanity from cold war and thus provided the world a much required breathing space to think of real solutions to the problems of mankind. As a great humanist, Mikhail Gorbachev initiated the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of communism — and the end of Cold War.   There are many prominent geniuses in modern human history who are having high morality and wisdom and who have fought war against this mechanical monster who was described by Mary Shelly as the Frankenstein. French revolutionary philosopher Rousseau, Mahatma Gandhi, Mikhail Gorbachev and many humanist leaders were fighting this monster’s sweet lies with their bitter truths(For more on Rousseau, Gandhi, Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope Francis, please see my latest book LIFE ON MELTDOWN, Chapters 11 and 17 and the table 7: Macro Free Radicals and Macro Antioxidants.) Technospherization or the blunt mechanization of the modern society was at its peaks — at its vituperative best — during the cold war eras of the 1980’s. Having sharply divided the fast mechanizing world into two highly antagonistic halves – the capitalist and communist parts – after the two World Wars, the global technosphere was being competitively developed and boosted by both the rival camps through such massive science and technology revolutions, like...
In Memory of Justice (late) V. R. Krishna Iyer, former Justice of Indian Supreme Court

In Memory of Justice (late) V. R. Krishna Iyer, former Justice of Indian Supreme Court

Dedicating the award to the memory of the late V.R. Krishna Iyer, who was one of his formative influences when he began his career as a young lawyer, Mr. Subramanium, former Solicitor General of India, said that there were few like Iyer, whose personality, moral conscience, selflessness, and compassion for the poor was enough to elevate the conscience and stature of courts. Mr. Subramanium was speaking at a function organised by the Kerala Lawyers’ Club on December 7, 2014 to confer the second Pirappancode Sreedharan Nair award on him as a “lawyer of eminence with social commitment”. In the passing away of this great humanist, the greatest loss is for truth which most people are afraid to touch even with a barbed wire.  “Society is guilty if anyone suffers unjustly”, Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer once told an interviewer. We were fortunate to have Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer around us this far. Personally,  I was fortunate to be in his vicinity and experienc his great warmheartedness by himself writing the FORWARD to my second book LIFE ON MELTDOWN and a review to my first book STORY OF MAN LAYMAN in 1990. He wrote in the FORWARD:  “It is a fundamental principle of most moral theories that all human beings have a right to life. The right to be born, the right to have one’s life maintained, the right not to be killed, the right to have one’s life saved are all fundamental rights of every human being. Here no one has the right to destroy the living environment. Here we happen to occupy parts of this lively and wholesome environment only quite temporarily — as...