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A highly insecure, unstable and embattled world today is witnessing the emergence of a great leader in India promising stability, peace and progress for her 1.3 billion humans.  Even though I hold no brief for Narendra Modi nor do I have had any opportunity to watch him in close quarters, as an author on humanities and ecology and watching the global social and political scenes from a little far, as if from another civilization/culture since the last few decades, Modi has emerged highly visible in my mental radar since about the last 10 years. Surprisingly, Modi has slowly started to be visible, on a widened reckoning in the present highly tormented national/global situation, as the rising of an inevitable PHILOSOPHER KING to not only rescue India but also the whole more anguished world at a very crucial and delicate juncture in human history.  Here, the great leader Narendra Modi will surely have to widen his vision. In this highly mechanized Global Village with no border, no leader and no order, and where globalized currency, monopoly media and mechanical might run the show, and where even individual action has its immediate and visible global effects (we claim that the whole world is at our fingertips), it is indeed a crude joke to claim that there are over 203 independent, sovereign nations in the world today.  Today we claim that the whole world is at our fingertips; that planet Earth has become a ‘global village’ or ‘wired planet’; that Earth is turning into a global city and that this post-modern society is all a giant machine. Earth is now in a post-evolutionary phase, and...
The Highly Diseased Post-Modern Society

The Highly Diseased Post-Modern Society

In these days when society is fast losing its moral as well as physical roots, it is becoming ever so hard for the ‘tree’ of civilization to survive, let alone flourish. It is painful to admit that we modern people have ‘successfully’ built a highly diseased society. Man gets sick from this diseased society, and not usually the other way round. The basic problem is that today hardly any people think, feel or act like normal humans. Or rather, nobody has the freedom to feel, think and act like the real human species. By mechanically extending our bodies and functions, during these mechanical ages, and thus having mechanized and mentally degenerated to the core, modern humans, especially the ruling elites, think, feel and act like the mechanized life forms, a la the semi-broiler chickens.   Here, how can we understand the problems of mankind, let alone solve its problem, when we cannot feel, think or act like the real, pristine or normal humans? How does the mind fall prey to these kinds of diseased state of thinking? It is because the development of modern scientific thinking is the beginning of sort of weird   thinking. Development of modern scientific thinking itself may be attributed to a curious development in mental, spiritual sectors that have many things to do with the onset of degeneration in the mental, spiritual sectors “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it”, wrote George Orwell. Today both the ruler and the ruled have developed a tendency to remain perpetually in the risk-free fantasy world—away from ground realities and truths. It is only when...
Narendra Modi: Coming of India’s Napoleon Bonaparte

Narendra Modi: Coming of India’s Napoleon Bonaparte

  LIFE ON MELTDOWN is a cause book pertaining to humanities/environmentalism genre which has been written by this author and published by Layman Books some two months before the counting of votes of the 2014 Indian Parliamentary Election 0n 16th May, 2014. Interestingly, when the election results were officially announced, they were almost the same as the book had predicted literally, namely the virtual eclipse of Congress Party from Indian political scene, the very poor performance of the much waxed AAM AADMI PARTY (AAP) and, above all, an unprecedented ‘Modi’ wave ransacking the Indian elections.   While almost all exit polls using extensive machinery, survey and expense, miserably failed to come even nearer to the book’s predictions, I have done it through philosophical inferences. The relevant part in page 617 of the book is reproduced below: AAP is not a party but largely a platform. The lack of experience and well-laid plans and programs made AAP incapable of gathering the massive fallen ‘fruits’ of the massive shake up. It is easy to win an election by mobilizing the people against the corrupt system, but difficult to remain in power and run the government. But, in the bold experiment, it has become a very formidable force and a panacea against all the hitherto established parties in raising their corrupt, dishonest heads again. Under this backdrop, I can visualize a few future inevitable and imminent developments in India which I am detailing below: Unlike the after effects of JP and VP Singh movements, India will be never back to its pre-AAP era.Fate of Congress party is sealed, and for good. Aam Aadmi...


    Much like a test solution to determine the properties of a particular matter/substance, a new type of analyzer to test news/events is being introduced through my new book LIFE ON MELTDOWN   Our world is full of wonders, news and new ideas. But our vision being severely confined to this highly mechanized system called the post-modern society, we are unable to see or comprehend them. Our vision of this world is a much shrunken one and looks the same in every direction. As the highly developed or modernized, we don’t know what it is like to be non-Modern. The modernity is the negation of pre-modernity in which mankind lived for millions of years. But suddenly cut from this long lineage or family tree, people of the highly mechanized post-modern society live like the proverbial ‘frog of the well’. For the frog, the well is his world. He had been born there and not for a single day been out. He knows nothing of world outside. Little does the frog know the real world that lies outside of his well. Sometimes the birds would tell the Little Frog, “Hi, Little Frog! You see, the outside world is much bigger and nicer. It’s many times more beautiful than your little well at the bottom. But the Little Frog would not believe them and would answer back: “Don’t lie to me, I don’t believe there is any place that could be better than here.” As the latest sub-species/links/branches/leaves of the grand old human family TREE that is standing on Earth since millions of years, we cannot confine ourselves as belonging only...


Today we are living in modern society that is a highly globalized pyramid-like market-led racketeering mechanism which has many weak links and ‘holes’. An unnoticed small hole is enough to sink a giant ship and the fact is that this ‘spaceship’ (Earth) or technosphere today has thousands of weak links and holes, most of which are highly incomprehensible even to the so-called service providers of modern society, namely, the experts and scientists who ‘know more and more about less and less’.  Built on modeling Nature, and as a giant spider net or a system of exploitation, technosphere is the mechanical infrastructure system on the biosphere in the forms of industrial centers, modern human settlements, energy production plants, transportation and communication networks, agricultural exploitation etc. Thus technosphere is the counterfeit of Nature that keeps on exponentially developing as a giant tumor on Earth. Our world is full of wonders, news and  new ideas. But our vision being severely confined to this highly mechanized system called the post-modern society, we are unable to see or comprehend them. Our vision of this world is a much shrunken one and looks the same in every direction. As the highly developed or modernized, we don’t know what it is like to be non-Modern. The modernity is the negation of pre-modernity in which mankind lived for millions of years. But suddenly cut from this long lineage or family tree, people of the highly mechanized post-modern society lives like the proverbial ‘frog of the well’. For the frog, the well is his world. He had been born there and not for a single day been out. He knows...