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Human society in modern history has been passing through a new type of evolution – indeed, devolution – at the  macro level, and it is triggered by a new type of species called the ‘macro free radicals’(explained in later pages). It is now clear that industrial civilization is the unique master splitter and isolator of everything wholesome, pristine and inherently paired in Nature, and the process has led to all kinds of micro and macro level  degenerations. The degeneration of the highly divisive mechanism of various ideologies, morality, capitalist-communist politics and culture with their by-products like careerism, corruption, egoism, sex crisis, feminism, callousness, growing immaturity, psychopathy etc. have paved way for the market force gaining the upper hand in all sectors of life, and finally leading the corporate force becoming the leader builder of this civilization. Accordingly, the subject of discussion here is about the growing immaturity of this culture, its off-shoot psychopathy and about the IMMATURE CIVILIZATION BUILDERS. Immaturity is not confined to individuals alone. Sometimes, groups of people or even nations act quite immaturely, resulting in great misery and suffering to millions of people. Some of these abnormal individuals and groups – as the literal MACRO FREE RADICALS in the macroevolution — rise to the level of civilization/culture builders.  In the ensuing massive macro-degeneration, scores of macro free radicals’ (Radicals) are generated in the forms of psychopaths and sociopaths.     “I make the effort to share this information because it gives me, at last, a plausible answer to a long-unanswered question: Why, no matter how much intelligent goodwill exists in the world, is there so much...


  Domestication, professionalization and criminalization of intellectuals have given rise to the growth of an immature and fraudulent way of life that has rendered the present human society jam-packed with catastrophic problems. Naturalized by the immature logic of modern science and falsified by the mechanized market idea of giving prizes and awards to intellectuals and scientists, Industrial Civilization has become the ‘wrongest’ culture in history.  This unnatural process has only helped to spread ignorance, confusion and impasse which even the present world mandarins cannot understand, let alone solve.     When a child makes a device, we call it a toy. When a man does it, we call it a machine. A machine is as much an object of amusement to man as what a toy is to the child. To call a scientist as a great/super human being only indicates the extent to which the immaturity of our world has elapsed today. Albert Einstein wrote: “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination….When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.”Albert Einstein was great not because he was a scientist but because he was a great thinker who later criticized the very science he helped to develop, and he, on later years, thought philosophically – not scientifically. Einstein later wrote, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”. When a non-science man writes a technical story, it...


     On a passing reference to the impending catastrophic perils brought about in human society by modern science, former American President John F Kennedy jokingly said, “Life in other planets is already extinct because their scientists were more advanced than ours”. Most scientists today regard this vision with high prophetic accuracy and they are coming out with concrete proposals to emigrate to nearby planets as they find life on Earth quite unsustainable due to the fast disintegration of most life-support systems on Earth. Today, the entire social structure, be it the economic structure, the power structure, or the political system, in post-modern society, is hopeless, it’s rotten, it’s serving nobody’s interests except a handful super rich powerful corporations that own most of this technosphere. Degeneration of humans renders them as parasites who then go in search of hosts, and begin to develop techniques of exploitation. Here mechanization or technologization is the methodology of this exploitation and TECHNOSPHERE is the resulting superstructure which the degenerated species has artificially developed as its new abode,  in modern history. Built on modeling Nature, and as a giant spider net or a system of exploitation, technosphere is the mechanical infrastructure system on the biosphere in the forms of industrial centers, modern human settlements, energy production plants, transportation and communication networks, agricultural exploitation etc. Thus technosphere is the counterfeit of Nature that keeps on exponentially developing as a giant tumor on Earth. Today the parasitic humans inhabit this man-made edifice (also called the ‘second nature’) and they both grow on the host, Mother Earth, by progressively feeding on her on a non-cyclic, unsustainable and...


      Machines, from the Maxim gun to the computer, are for the most part means by which a minority can keep free men in subjection. ~ SIR KENNETH CLARK, (Civilization)   Men have become the tools of their tools                 ~ THOREAU   The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do. ~ B. F. SKINNER, in Contingencies of Reinforcement   Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.  ~ MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., Strength to Love   The inventor tries to meet the demand of a crazy civilization.  ~ THOMAS ALVA EDISON   We feel that even when all possible scientific questions have been answered, the problems of life remain completely untouched.  ~ LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN         If we can believe advertisements, what matters to people most is the personal ownership of machinery: cooking machines, blending machines, driving machines, picture machines, sound machines, tooth-brushing machines, computing machines, machines to kill insects, deliver intimacy, send messages through wires or the naked air, entertainment machines, shooting machines, and many more mechanical extension devices of our physical self. Indirect control over even more ambitious devices like flying machines, bombing machines, voting machines…. seems to matter a lot, too. Medical science has machines that will breathe for you, talk for you, hear for you, eat for you, circulate your blood and even sweat for you if you should ever happen to need them. Medical science even now has marvelous machines which will replace parts of human body or do the work of parts that fail. Surrounded by all-powerful tools,...

We are the Worst Slaves in Human History

Many primal people tend to view us, the “civilized” or “scientific” people, as pitiful creatures – though powerful and dangerous because of our technology and sheer numbers. They regard civilization as a sort of social disease. Even though modern man claims to be the most free, fortunate human species in history, most of us today live blind to our own realities, which even the ancient slaves, did not do.   Once, Greek wisdom described ‘man as everything’. As a creature fit for his environment, Nature once made man to be the crown of all creations. Man enjoyed a pristine life on the once unspoiled Earth for millions of years without the present type of poisoning of our air, water, food and soil. And the free access to fresh, non-polluted air, water, and soil constitutes the basic freedom to life, which all humans enjoyed for millions of years and which almost all the present-day humans lack, and in so doing nullifying all his claims of other freedoms and progress. The Roman Empire was defeated – no,not by an enemy from outside but by one from within – by the one of sheer ignorance, namely, lead poisoning through their lead water pipes. Modern civilization is badly ridden in the deadly ignorance of tens of thousands of such toxic materials that inflict massive damage to the vital human life lines as what modern life style is doing – by the poisoning of our air, water, food and soil and exposing every centimeter of the Earth’s surface to toxic radiation. The world is now filled with one hundred years of toxic industrial by-products...