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How Societies, by Promoting Collective Stupidity, Choose to Self-Destruct

How Societies, by Promoting Collective Stupidity, Choose to Self-Destruct

  LIVING AN ERA REIGNED BY COLLECTIVE STUPIDITY How can we make sense of the enormous scale of the present human crisis? Today we live in a consumerist, free-market world where the collusion among the merry-making politics and money-making market is the order of the day. In this world of big powers and giant markets, democracy has become the greatest hypocrisy. Money buys the political leadership much like our global money bigwigs buy IPL Cricket/Football Championships. Here is the prettiest utopia called the modern scientific welfare state which is fast evolving as a myth born out of a system of joint deception of man’s illusory victory over mother nature, and over his own innate nature. The coming society will certainly find us humans as the most superstitious beings in history, and will mark modern ‘welfare state’ as a state of collective stupidity in the realm of what they may term as a sophisticated utopia we call science. How modern welfare state has today become “undesirable, ungovernable, and unaffordable” is the topic under discussion here. Added to this critical dilemma is the growing evidence of the Apocalypse manifest with recent tornadoes, violent storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, new terrorism and nuke threats. We are all surprised as to what has actually happened to mankind: that most people do not feel, think or act like the normal human species, and that these `abnormal’ humans include people all around us—our experts, leaders, celebrities, our own friends and family members etc. Even those rare normal-looking humans have become highly passive and non-responsive to the present problems and crises. Nowadays, it is only in...


    Report  from New York on 29 November suggests that  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is leading an online poll of readers’ choice for Time magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ in 2016 honour, which has contenders like US President-elect Donald Trump, the outgoing US leader Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin. For the fourth year in a row, Modi is among the contenders for Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ honour, which the US publication bestows every year to the one “who has most influenced the news and our world in the past year, for good or ill.” Last year German Chancellor Angela Merkel was Time’s ‘Person of the Year’. While each year Time’s editors make the ultimate decision as to who from among world leaders, presidents, protesters, astronauts, pop icons and disrupters should be person of the year, it also asks readers to cast their votes and decide who they think most shaped a particular year. Time said the reader poll is an “important window” into who they think most shaped 2016. Modi had won the readers’ poll of Time’s Person of the Year in November 2014, securing more than 16 per cent of the almost five million votes cast. He was again among the contenders for the annual honour in 2015 but was not among the final eight candidates shortlisted by Time magazine editors for the title. “In 2016, the news and our world were subject to a wide range of influences. A presidential campaign in the United States exposed deep-seated fissures and led to the election of a president without precedent in the nation’s history....


  COLLEGIUM, THE BRAINCHILD OF OUR COLONIAL JUDGES, IS THE VILLAIN OF THE PIECE    In the whole world today, India is the only country which has a colonial type judiciary that follows the vicious practice of ‘judges selecting judges’ by a system called COLLEGIUM — a cosy judicial club functioning as a super judiciary.  In the name of freedom of judiciary, this undemocratic judicial system is not only escaping all sorts of accountability to the people but also poses a threat to the democratically elected government here, by intervening and nullifying many of the government’s revolutionary measures and moves. Here the real enemy of India is not Pakistan nor is it terrorism.  The real threat on the path of progress of free India comes from within India, namely the INDIAN COLONIAL JUDICIARY that raises its ugly head whenever the nation embarks on any revolutionary progressive move, and this colonial self-appointed “My Lords” , in the name of ‘constitutional provisions’ intervene and thwart the move, often by joining the reactionary forces, including the opposition parties.      Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done surgical strike on Pakistan and Black Money. But what he really should have done first was a surgical strike on the fast degenerating Indian judicial system by stripping it of all its colonial suit and tie, colonial court gown, colonial court language (English), and above all, its colonial mindset. What is fundamentally and urgentally needed is the Indianisation of our judiciary by  ridding it of all its colonial moorings and making it democratic and, above all, transparent in the selection of judges, and not leaving the system to the whims and...


  Mediacracy is a situation in government where the mainstream mass media effectively has control over the voting public. Mediacracy is closely related to a theory on the role of media, especially in the United States social and political systems that argues that media and news outlets have a large level of influence over voting citizens’ evaluations of candidates and political issues, thereby possessing effective control over politics in the in the world today. 2016 US Election has thus thrown up a fundamental issue of DEMOCRACY to the whole world: the growing irrelevance of election at the behest and meddling of privately owned hi-tech media monopoly ruling the roost and contaminating American political and social systems. Here the moot question is: can the world be a mute witness to this wanton rape of democracy in a nation that is supposed to be the leader and model of democracy in the world?  Can this leading nation any longer remain unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements and beyond the reach of the law?   “Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system … a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…. The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government…. This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is...


Prediction in 1990 about a Western Revolution Comes to Fruition: Donald Trump Pulls Off the Second American Revolution      (A quick study of this long unfolding historic event) Today some people are looking at the present US election scene as if Donald Trump is pulling off a ‘French Revolution’ or a ‘Reagan Revolution’. Some others see it as part of an ‘unintended’ revolution. And yet another group suddenly notice the ‘hands’ of Russian President Putin behind Trump. The   guess work simply goes awry. However what is pointed out here is about a thesis propounded some 26 years back by author M J John in his book Story of Man—Layman in 1990 in which the author explains about an ongoing ‘Western Revolution’, and with its meticulous details. Released by then Indian Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in January 1991, this book elicited many reports and reviews in the national mainstream media during 1991.  Then American ambassador to India, in a letter to the author, remarked this book as “fascinating”.  Story of Man–Layman later proved to be a document of prophetic accuracy, as this book hinted about almost all major global events that took place from 1991 till today, including the ongoing ‘Western Revolution’. How the author accurately predicted about everything important in modern society, in his first book, Story Of Man–Layman back in 1990, and also in his second book, Life On Meltdown in 2014, is explained here.     MOST societal revolutions are invincible and self-accomplishing, and they may  surprise even the beneficiaries and enemies of such revolutions, alike. For example, take the case of Industrial Revolution, the biggest revolution...