by John Mutukat (M J John) | Mar 29, 2016 | Articles
Shrinking Communication Growing Miscommunication
Communication system is the vital and inseparable part of social man ever since he left the jungle to live as a social group. Therefore the communication is the inalienable right of man, like air and water. However, media hype has reached a stage where, in the name of communication revolution, half-truths of news, data and information have come to be so used, overused and misused that they no more hold any fresh creative potential other than damages to man and society. In Thoughts in the Wilderness J. B. Priestley said, “The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.”
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jan 25, 2016 | Articles
The argument below shows how Jawaharlal Nehru, who never supported Subhas Chandra Bose (he was the real patriotic leader and a true freedom fighter), conspired with then colonial Britain in branding Subhas Chandra Bose as just a “War Criminal” and blocked the sure prospect of Gandhiji in becoming the first prime minister of post-independent India. As a reciprocal parting gesture, the colonial Britain helped Nehru to become the first prime minister of ‘free’ India Here Nehru indeed thwarted the attempt of Gandhiji to align Swadesi (indigenous mode of development) with nation-building. The tragic consequence is that this ‘Nehruan’ mode of modern scientific development – a clear strategy of the parting colonial power to hoodwink India to this ‘scientific’ tool of exploitation through remote market-scientific control — has brought India to the brink of the inevitable genocidal INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE that is looming large everywhere today. On the other hand, had Gandhiji been at the helm of affairs in the post-independent India – a prospect which then colonial Britain conspired to avoid with her continuing divide-and-rule policy, and helping Nehru to become the first Prime Minister of the post-independent India – the prospect of India, and also that of the whole world, would have been totally different today, and for the better. The immediate provocation for this argument is the article below: ‘Make in India’ and Medha Patkar: Can the twain meet? Read More: Jawaharlal Nehru was so much obsessed over a colonialist “scientific temper” that he wanted no truck with those, including Gandhiji, championing indigenous values. While Nehru was greatly fascinated with modern science and went the whole hog...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jan 21, 2016 | Articles
HOW COLONIAL LEGACIES CONTINUE TO RULE THE WHOLE MANKIND – AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE This is the story of how the erstwhile colonialist forces, in their new globalist evolution as the present global corporate forces, continue to rule the world. And they do it by the help of the long lingering colonial legacies, in the forms of their erstwhile colonizing tools, like, the faulty modern dualist science, dualist philosophies, dualist monopolistic mass media, organized religions, highly market-led politics, arts, sports etc. For almost 99% of today’s humans, who are descendants of both the beneficiaries and victims of colonists, settlers and displaced peoples, the question is of decolonizing ourselves, our hearts and minds, and the stories, narratives, and pathways that brought us to where we are today. This story is indeed a complicated, touchy, double-edged one. How do we understand our identity and narrative? How do we understand who we are and where we came from? How can and do we reclaim what has been lost or forgotten? And how does that understanding inform our strategies and tactics? During a visit to Pakistan, Prime Minister David Cameron stated that many of the modern world’s problems were the product of Imperial Britain’s legacy. These words do not merely apply to the conflict and strife that prevails from Syria and Egypt, to Israel and Palestine, but also to the destitution, the poverty, the illiteracy, the corruption, and the deep-rooted public sector inefficiencies and nepotism institutionalised by British rule, which today afflicts vast swathes of the developing world. Earlier, Mahatma Gandhi had warned: “God forbid that India should ever take to...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jun 25, 2015 | Articles
This is the story how modern mankind lost, rather tampered with, their long innate and organic characteristics only to suddenly end up with certain degenerate, mechanical characteristics in modern era, when they suddenly changed their mode of existence — from non-dualism to dualism. Man and nature existed in a united, holistic state for millions of years. Here we envision a world where we live in communion with the Earth, creating perfect harmony, health, and happiness. From the smallest nano-particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of Nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe. As an organic species of Nature, man is allowed to live on and be a part of Earth. Humans are like cells functioning within a body of the Earth. As long as humans (the cells) live in a healthy manner we will live peacefully in correlation with Earth. Mankind practiced this Nature’s wholesome way of life – united state of existence – for millions of years, till as recently as up to the start of modern civilization, when suddenly everything sharply changed, thanks to shortcut methodologies like the analytical science of reductionism and middlemanism taking over the central role of the socialization process, basicaly since the 16th century. Here the purpose of knowledge is violated when modern science, in a mindless effort of transforming Nature without a thought for the consequences, destroys the innate integrity of Nature and thereby robs it of its regenerative...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Feb 6, 2015 | Articles
Neutrino experimentation is a very highly Earth-shaking and calamitous test, the far-reaching consequences of which the so-called eccentric experts have no idea, and therefore it is far more risky than nuclear experimentations. In the proposed neutrino experimentation in the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) within the ecologically sensitive zone in India, eccentric scientists are out to subjugate Mother Earth to use her as a ‘guinea pig’. Here I am trying to look into the overpowering role of collective stupidity in this highly catastrophic and genocidal experimentation ringing holocaust bells. Latest example is a report by the portal, dated February 6, 2015 ( ) that CERN is due to re-open the Large Hadron Collider in March of 2015 in order to recreate the big bang, despite warnings from top scientists such as Stephen Hawking and Neil de Grasse Tyson. (Materials for this essay is compile from my book ‘Life On Meltdown’ published in April 2014) The India-based Neutrino Observatory Collaboration is about to construct an underground laboratory in the Western Ghats within the Idukki–Theni charnockyte aquifer. There are several dams quite close to the structure and the area is prone to hydroseismicity. No geotechnical study has been conducted for this project. A similar observatory in Gran Sasso, Italy, built three decades ago has caused floods and severely impacted the aquifer, leading to a series of tremors and a major earthquake in 2009. The long-term impacts of the project on the aquifer and the reservoirs should be examined before going ahead with the construction. According to an article in Current Science ( the India-based...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jan 25, 2015 | Articles
Mankind lived almost 99.9% of its million years of existence on earth without reading or writing, except perhaps for a few thousand years during its last leg of history today. Nature, did not attach or leave behind any how-to-live manual with him, whereas every machine carries along with it a how-to-operate manual for the making of which modern man, as an integral part of the highly mechanized modern society, requires reading and writing. Thus, being typically a mechanical process, writing or reading is not human but machinery. Therefore man, as a human being, doesn’t require reading and writing but, as a machine being, he requires reading and writing. It is now generally agreed that, in becoming modern, man discovered the world, but lost himself. What does it mean for man to have lost himself? It means that man, in his specific difference as man, has disappeared from view. He has been lost. The specific difference of man is that man, although an animal, is distinguished from other animals by his capacity to know. It is man as knower who has been lost. This might seem a paradoxical statement at least, since the glory of modern man is the modern scientific method, which provides him knowledge undreamt of by the ancients, knowledge that modern man feels gives him a decisive advantage over the ancients. But modern scientific knowledge is a peculiar thing. It is knowledge that can exist without a knower. Knowledge is thus mechanically produced and developed in ‘factories’ (schools, colleges etc), in the name of charities then competitions then institutions of awards etc, and...