by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jul 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
Life On Meltdown by M J John (Facebook profile name: John Muthukat) exposes the lies of the establishment and is a wake-up call to the tyranny that’s enveloping mankind. The Colonialists and their offshoots — the Globalists — have created this world as an ‘ideal’ society to everlastingly continue their rule and to further their interests. Through clever use of modern reductionist science and market, for example, in high-tech communication media, genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs, they are making most members of this ‘ideal’ society – no matter we call them “we the people” – as happy consumers. This book is covering almost all the present social issues. And it is an attempt to break free from this ‘concentration camp’ called the TECHNOSPHERE or the ‘Second Nature’. This book also presents a futuristic dystopia of an unusual kind. This book is an ideal reference book with proven futuristic visions, providing clear insight into most major future developments. The following events are testimonies to the prophetic accuracy of this book, Life On Meltdown, published in March 2014: Predicted Narendra Modi becoming not only the Indian Prime Minister but also a ‘powerful’ global leader months before the Indian Parliament election in May 2014, when Modi was only the CM of a state, Gujarat. Read the Blog of its author M J John ( John Muthukat is his own Facebook profile): :, Narendra Modi: Coming Of The Great Redeemer: Predicted Russian President Vladimir Putin emerging as the ultimate global leader: Predicted Pope Francis ending celibacy for the priests and nuns in the Church, and the Pontiff ending...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | May 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
MARINE LE PEN IS EXPECTED TO WIN TOMORROW’S ELECTION IN FRANCE WITH MORE THAN 2/3rd MAJORIT Like Joan of Arc, who led the French army to victory over the British during the Hundred Years’ War, French’s National Front leader Marine Le Pen is leading a GLOBAL REVOLUTION against the corporate GLOBALISTS even as she is predicted to sweep to power with more than 2/3rd majority in Sunday’s election in France. The rationale behind predicting the victories of Narendra Modi (Indian Prime Minister), Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen is explained in this article. When we make predictions, we form ideas about the present and future based on what we’ve already seen or done. Here it is the philosophy of my first book ‘STORY OF MAN: LAYMAN’, published way back in 1990, that led me (John Muthukat is my Facebook profile and author name M. J. John) to predict many global developments like the victories of Narendra Modi (Indian Prime Minister), Brexit, Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen way back in 1990 How my two books, first book, ‘STORY OF MAN: LAYMAN’, published way back in 1990, and the second book, ‘LIFE ON MELTDOWN’ published in March 2014, are testimony to their prophetic accuracy. Surprisingly, my studies since the last 30 years were concentrating on the impending COLLAPSE OF INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION, from its roots. And most of my inferences on post-modern developments are born out of this logic. Released by then Indian Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in January 1991, my first book ‘STORY OF MAN: LAYMAN’ elicited many press reports and reviews in the national media...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Mar 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE: The term is used to refer to mainstream modern (Western) medicine. It uses pharmacologically active agents or physical interventions to treat or suppress symptoms or pathophysiologic processes of diseases or conditions. In the late nineteenth century, Louis Pasteur’s “germ theory” became the medical paradigm in Allopathy, the controlling medical idea, for the Western world. In its simplest form, the germ theory proposes that the body is sterile and that germs from the air cause disease. The medical community started to look for the right pill to kill off the germ. This concept became ingrained into medicine and medical research. Most research goes to looking for the right pill for a specific disease. Generally, modern allopathic medical system is based on modern reductionist science which is the gift of Cartesian dualist philosophy that leads to compartmentalization, specialization and the creation of expert technologies in treatment. Every dualist system or thinking is prone to further reductionism or compartmentalization to the smallest particle level split, isolation and the inevitable degeneration of everything wholistic in nature. Man and nature existed in a united, holistic state for millions of years. Here we envision a world where we live in communion with the Earth, creating perfect harmony, health, and happiness. From the smallest nano-particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of Nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe. As an organic species of Nature,...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jan 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
Give Trump A Chance — He May Have Truth Give a damn that some people call American President-elect Donald Trump a bigot or a racist. Trump however is proving to be the ultimate savoir of mankind – literally as the straw for the human world that clutches at it as it goes down drowning in numerous catastrophic crises, most probably to the imminent extinction abyss. In the first place, Trump saved the world from an otherwise imminent inevitable WAR with Russia. Like the great patriarch and builder of modernist China, Deng Xiaoping (he was first dubbed by his rivals as a ‘capitalist roader’) famously said that it doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice. The thing with Trump is that he may surprise us all. So why not give him a chance. You are entitled to your opinion but please don’t wish ill will on him. If you really have strong feelings on an issue, send him a message. Just articulate it and use facts. As an important global leader, the President of the United States is a position that demands respect. WESTERN REVOLUTION: NATIONALISM VS CORPORATISM World is actually undergoing some fundamental and qualitative changes in politics and social systems. We can broadly put it as, say, nationalist versus globalists, humans versus corporatists or even man versus system and the like, all of which may be summarized as the beginning of what is emerging as the much predicted WESTERN REVOLUTION. Here one must not forget the fact that the collapse of the USSR simply became another orgy of American profiteering which as always...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Dec 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
LIVING AN ERA REIGNED BY COLLECTIVE STUPIDITY How can we make sense of the enormous scale of the present human crisis? Today we live in a consumerist, free-market world where the collusion among the merry-making politics and money-making market is the order of the day. In this world of big powers and giant markets, democracy has become the greatest hypocrisy. Money buys the political leadership much like our global money bigwigs buy IPL Cricket/Football Championships. Here is the prettiest utopia called the modern scientific welfare state which is fast evolving as a myth born out of a system of joint deception of man’s illusory victory over mother nature, and over his own innate nature. The coming society will certainly find us humans as the most superstitious beings in history, and will mark modern ‘welfare state’ as a state of collective stupidity in the realm of what they may term as a sophisticated utopia we call science. How modern welfare state has today become “undesirable, ungovernable, and unaffordable” is the topic under discussion here. Added to this critical dilemma is the growing evidence of the Apocalypse manifest with recent tornadoes, violent storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, new terrorism and nuke threats. We are all surprised as to what has actually happened to mankind: that most people do not feel, think or act like the normal human species, and that these `abnormal’ humans include people all around us—our experts, leaders, celebrities, our own friends and family members etc. Even those rare normal-looking humans have become highly passive and non-responsive to the present problems and crises. Nowadays, it is only in...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Oct 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
CONTINUING COLONIAL REGIME BY PROXY It is high time that people of India become conscious of continuing the stupid and cunning practice of overruling the people’s elected government by colonial legacy selected judges and judicial system called COLLEGIUM. The moot question is whether we should have Democracy or we should have an anti-democratic colonial legacy-led judicial ‘club’ called COLLEGIUM, the working of which is much shrouded in secrecy. People’s government must take steps to throw out these outfits of these litters of the much discredited colonialism to the dustbin of history. This article is in response to Supreme Court slamming Centre Government, a few days back over delay in judges appointments, with CJI Thakur’s scathing observations: “Don’t bring the judiciary to a grinding halt” — Indian judiciary today is a colonial outfit that will go to any extent to please her colonial masters, to undermine the people’s elected government in India. The latest example is the shameless ultimatum this colonial outfit seems to serve on the Narendra Modi government for not complying with her ‘panel of judges’ that is supposed to pass judgement on the people elected government. Colonialism-Corruption Connection Post-independent judiciary in India, which is following the erstwhile colonial judicial system in all her aspects, is much known for rampant corruption, especially by the judges themselves. Corruption was unheard in Chinese history till the colonialist traders and occupiers landed their seashores and corruption inducted to the Chinese society through the famous ‘Opium War’. The case of pre-colonial India is no different. When India became ‘independent’ or when the colonialist Britain granted ‘independence’ to...