by John Mutukat (M J John) | Oct 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
CONTINUING COLONIAL REGIME BY PROXY It is high time that people of India become conscious of continuing the stupid and cunning practice of overruling the people’s elected government by colonial legacy selected judges and judicial system called COLLEGIUM. The moot question is whether we should have Democracy or we should have an anti-democratic colonial legacy-led judicial ‘club’ called COLLEGIUM, the working of which is much shrouded in secrecy. People’s government must take steps to throw out these outfits of these litters of the much discredited colonialism to the dustbin of history. This article is in response to Supreme Court slamming Centre Government, a few days back over delay in judges appointments, with CJI Thakur’s scathing observations: “Don’t bring the judiciary to a grinding halt” — Indian judiciary today is a colonial outfit that will go to any extent to please her colonial masters, to undermine the people’s elected government in India. The latest example is the shameless ultimatum this colonial outfit seems to serve on the Narendra Modi government for not complying with her ‘panel of judges’ that is supposed to pass judgement on the people elected government. Colonialism-Corruption Connection Post-independent judiciary in India, which is following the erstwhile colonial judicial system in all her aspects, is much known for rampant corruption, especially by the judges themselves. Corruption was unheard in Chinese history till the colonialist traders and occupiers landed their seashores and corruption inducted to the Chinese society through the famous ‘Opium War’. The case of pre-colonial India is no different. When India became ‘independent’ or when the colonialist Britain granted ‘independence’ to...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jul 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
As friends on the Facebook, we all work on challenging problems, and will have to hang in there together when things get hard. I think we have to support each other to stay with an effort, even when it feels discouraging. Each one of us is like a hub of a wheel. Each one of us can build relationships and friendships around ourselves that provide us with the necessary strength to achieve community goals, we can solve problems that we have in common. Relationships are the glue that holds people together as they work on common problems. This is the relationship to common heritage of mankind that share their common concern. In this book, I am looking on all issues within, beyond and even outside civilizations and cultures. That is, this study also includes visions from outside the academia and by defying conventional, agreed-upon categories of the knowledge industry. As an ardent observer of the human story spanning a few million of years, I am trying to view human world and its present civilizations from a little far, as one from another generation, race or culture. Here, I see man in the collective. I have tried to not only scientifically know, but to intuitively feel that we are creatures of this Earth. And as such, one cannot help but take an interest in biology, medicine, the life sciences, and the Earth itself. In doing this study, I was indeed performing a hide and seek game with the modern life process: living inside it and sometimes trying to live outside it; looking at it compartmentally and then, sometimes, trying to look to...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Jun 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Collegium Is The Villain Of The Piece In Our Constitution: New Colonial Legacy Challenges India I would like to look at our present Constitution through a different angle, as to how we still continue to dispense colonial type of justice in India. I just cannot view this otherwise as a remote-controlled trap of Colonial Britain that gifted it to India in the form of Constitution. Our present judiciary continues to interpret this once adapted British ‘document’ as our sacred ‘constitution’ and thus we end up dispensing colonial type of justice in free India. Here the chief beneficiary of the whole vicious process is the global corporate force, the inheritor of the now discredited colonialism. It is the very constitution that stands against all realities and justice by hiding behind the facade of these colonial legalities tailored into our constitution by the departing colonial Britain. This colonial legacy has paved the way for the new colonial global forces (the super power global corporate) to go on ruling through these remote controls and traps, the main of which is a strange super judicial body called COLLEGIUM which is a constitutional body empowering only judges to select future judges in India that, by the way, is the only nation in the whole world following this highly inhuman and anti-democratic practice. It is tragedy that today free India has to dispense justice through Collegium, a colonial trap of Colonial Britain gifted Constitution, the new face of colonial justice. Thanks to Collegium, colonialism keeps on enslaving India. The conflict between the judiciary and government over appointment of judges is sharpening, with...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | May 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
It is a tragedy that the technosphere, as an artificially memory-boosting system, has become the ‘biosphere’ of modern man “The man with a clear conscience probably has a poor memory.” ~ JAMES BRANCH CABELL “A liar needs a good memory.” ~ Marcus Quintalianus “He has left off reading altogether, to the great improvement of his originality.” ~ CHARLES LAMB (1775-1834) “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” ~ MARK TWAIN “The multitude of books is making us ignorant.”~ VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS MARIE AROUET (1694-1778) “The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time”. ~ FRIEDRICK NIETZSCHE (1844-1900) Man forgets, machine remembers; man lives, machine repeats; man creates, machines duplicates. Thus what machine does is just the mechanical duplication of what man does. Therefore all memory-boosting techniques are essentially wars against the natural process of forgetting. Modern science and mechanical systems, unlike Nature, are totally based and dependent on the success of artificially memory boosting process. What is a computer? Its basic function is to remember – just artificially, smartly and unconsciously. The more advanced and sophisticated a computer is the more efficiently and more quantitatively it remembers. Its memory is millions of times more than that of man – both in quantity and speed. How is the mind which functions on knowledge – how is the brain which is recording all the time – to end, to see the importance of recording and not let it move in any...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | May 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
Are Trupti Desai and Other Feminists and Atheists Daring God? Aren’t They Playing dirty Anti-Hindu Politics? “Women cannot be barred from entering Lord Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala as per the principles of constitution”, Amicus Curiae Raju Ramachandran informed the supreme court on 18 April 2016. Here Courts are setting Hindu Religious norms and it is unconstitutional. It is surprising to note that being atheist institutions themselves, our courts including The Supreme Court of India are ruling over religious matter which is not supported by constitution. Anti-Indian forces and atheists, in the guise of feminists and constitutionalists, are out to weaken the present Indian government through the old colonial tactics of ‘divide and conquer’ which the colonial Britain once successfully played and divided the great “BHARAT’ into India and Pakistan, are again now playing it to divide Indians on gender. The more interesting fact is that these neo-colonial forces and their agents and pimps are using the same British colonial constitution which the parting colonial power coerced free India to adopt as her own constitution so that these colonialist could continue the remote rule by the helps of these kinds of feminist and other atheists proxies and their agents. There is no doubt that this is purely a feminist propaganda created to destabilize our nation. Feminists and atheists are using foreign funds to harm our family system, our religion and culture and created disturbances in progressive activities of our nation through these kinds of divide-and-rule schemes. This is purely a feminist propaganda created to destabilize our nation. I am surprised to see that government is also keeping...
by John Mutukat (M J John) | Oct 16, 2015 | Uncategorized
In the present world, almost 99.9% humans, including our leaders, are living by depending on second-hand knowledge, unlike in the past when almost 99% humans were living by depending on the first-hand knowledge or their own brain or individual knowledge for almost 99% of the millions years of human existence. The second-hand knowledge is indeed the degenerated form of knowledge – today we call it information – which we get through the mechanization of certain arrested knowledge or opinion of others that are largely framed under the influence of some VESTED INTEREST. It is due to our total dependence on second-hand knowledge that today and every day almost 99% humans are in front of the screen for hours on end, be it before TV at home or the Smartphone screen while travelling. An average post-modern adult is found to spend about 4 to 6 hours per day looking at screens, generally in the case of the younger generation. With the ongoing information explosions, people are mentally burdened with only information overload and becoming more and more mentally passive, just as they are physically overloaded with ‘second-hand’ (degenerated) cells creating fast food and becoming more and more physically passive, as is evident by the globally spreading degeneration diseases. To comprehend the degeneration of the human life structure, on every sector – from the mental to the physical, and from the microscopic to the macroscopic – please see Chapters 4 and 10 of Life On Meltdown. Imagine that you, and a small group of other people, were to wake up tomorrow with absolutely no memories of your past...